Globe Hopping

First Stop…New York City!
February 19, 2009, 7:42 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

By Songlines on


There is so much to do in the City. I could spend days writing about Manhattan. However, I only have so much time so I will narrow it down to three “MUST DO’s.” My top three must sees for New York City of course begin with food. Pastis is one of the best restaurants in the city. It provides an atmosphere, great food and the perfect location to take in New York. The food is French inspired and the mussels are to die for. You must check out the menus, Inside there is great music and the room overflows with tons of people. Pastis is great for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No matter the time or occasion, Pastis offers something for everyone.


The next place you must see in New York City is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The “Met” – as New Yorkers call it, truly is spectacular. The Met has more than two million works of art and usually has special art exhibits. See for yourself, The Met has everything from Medieval Art to Modern Art to Photographs to Sculptures and everything in between. It opens your eyes to other cultures and explains them through artwork. You could truly get lost inside and loose track of time. It is that wonderful.


Lastly you must go to a Broadway show in Times Square. Now, any show will do… but if you cannot decide and want to see one of my favorites then you must see Wicked! The talent in this show is unlike anything I have ever seen. The performers, music, orchestra, stage set and location give a new visitor the full feel of a New York visit. Located in Time Square, you are surrounded by bright lights, television screens, millions of people, hundreds of theatres, great restaurants, loud taxis, crazy traffic, and crazy people and finally you are able to stop and breathe. And realize that you just experienced New York City!  

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