Globe Hopping

Next Stop…London, England!
February 21, 2009, 6:29 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized



By Ted Kozak from

By Ted Kozak from


by davidgutierrez2007

 I have been to London before, since this is where my father is originally from. However, it has been almost ten years since I have been back. So re-exploring London is probably just as new to you as it is to me.  To travel in London… we will take the ‘tube’ … which is the equivalent to New York City’s subway. The first must see in London is of course Oxford Street. This is one of Britain’s most crowded streets which, is full of some of the best shopping you can imagine. Apparently, there are over 300 of the most popular shops in London there, check it out if you don’t believe me… on Oxford Street is like being in the heart of London. However, you better bring your pockets full of money- because the best fashion in London is by no means cheap! Here you’re able to digest all the fabulous people, stores, restaurants and everything in between. You can really begin to see the culture in London through fashion, style and atmosphere. Luckily, the tube is quite close to Oxford Street, located on Marble Arch or Bond Street.

The next must see is St. Paul’s Cathedral. This is absolutely to die for- I have only been once, and I cannot wait to eventually go again. The cathedral is beautiful and breathe taking in every way. From the architecture to the art and mosaics- this cathedral is one of the most gorgeous churches. All of the girls, who grow up in London, have the fantasy and future dreams of getting married in St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is still a working church in England. And don’t worry, you can go at basically anytime…because it always raining in London- so there’s no wrong time to  jump on the tube go to St. Paul’s and spend an entire day inside the church, just looking at it. For those of you who are unsure and want more details … here’s a link to give you a glimpse of what I mean:


by davidgutierrez2007

Now, we must go to the Big Ben in London….because what kind of travelers would we be without seeing the landmark of London!?  The Big Ben is a must see in the London. The Big Ben is the massive bell inside the tower weighs over 13 tons (! And at night, the clock is lit up perfectly. It gives you a great history feel for London. It makes you feel like you are on a postcard when you see it! I skipped the restaurants for London because any pub in London offers great heartfelt food! If you are ever unsure of what to order- just remember, you can never go wrong with a beef wellington in London! If you do not know what that is then I guess you will just have to go and see for yourself! You won’t be disappointed.


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