Globe Hopping

Next stop…Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
February 27, 2009, 4:52 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Nikki Beach

photo of Nikki Beach, Cabo by lpizzle21 from

Since I am going to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in one week, I thought now would be a good time to explore it a little. The best way to visit Cabo San Lucas is to go on a cruise, which is exactly what I am doing! Here is why it is the ultimate best experience… when you take a cruise; the ship line has a deal with all of the resorts in Mexico. The deal enables the cruise ship passengers to use the resort facilities for the day. So, when I go to Cabo San Lucas, I get to spend the day at Nikki Beach Hotel. This is one of the most gorgeous resorts in Cabo. It is right on the beach and substitutes big cabanas for lounge chairs. Check this place out: I would never have the chance to stay at this resort without the cruise deal!  If you spend a day at Nikki Beach in Cabo, you will have the ultimate relaxing experience. You will be surrounded with water, served some of the best drink and catered to like you wouldn’t believe.


Once you’re at the Nikki Beach Hotel, you are able to walk right out onto the front beach and be surrounded with all of the excitement going on. Which is why you must take advantage of this experience and go jet skiing in Cabo. It is so much fun! Jet skiing in this beautiful water goes for about $60 an hour. First they will say the cost is $70 but just remember to bargain and never take the first price offered in Mexico. The water in Cabo is crystal blue and deliciously warm! If you and your special someone are looking for an area in Cabo a little more romantic then you should go to “Lover’s Beach.” You can only go to Lover’s Beach by boat and it is a tiny beach nestled in between two gorgeous rocks. Look at it and see if this is more of your scene:

Here you will feel like you are on your own little island for the day!



photo by MUDSUGAR from

the office

the office, cabo photo by MUDSUGAR from

Finally, you must eat at the office restaurant in Cabo. This restaurant is right on the beach, trendy and has some of the greatest food in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It is quite a scene, so be prepared if you go! But if a trendy, fabulous scene right on the beach in Mexico sounds like something you would love then do not wait, but run to the office! You will not regret it! For those of you who like to know what your getting into before you take a venture, here is a link for this funky little place:

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