Globe Hopping

Next Stop…A Colorful New Vision In Tempe
March 4, 2009, 4:46 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
A Colorful Entrance Into The Hotel   Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- A Colorful Entrance Into The Hotel.
Photo by Kate Bruce. A Upward Look.
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- An Upward Look.
Photo by Kate Bruce.  A First Glance Inside.
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- A First Glance Inside.
Photo by Kate Bruce. First Stop... Check In!
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- First Stop… Check In!
Photo by Kate Bruce. Some Insight Into The Hotel Lounge.
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- Some Insight Into The Hotel Lounge.
Photo by Kate Bruce. WXYZ Bar Inside The Hotel.
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- WXYZ Bar Inside The Hotel.
Photo by Kate Bruce. A Closer Look at WXYZ.
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- A Closer Look at WXYZ.
Photo by Kate Bruce. A Final Taste of The Vision.
Photo by Kate Bruce. Photo of- A Final Taste of Aloft Hotel.  

Here, I captured the color and vision of a new hotel that has just opened in Tempe. Aloft Hotel opened on February 5th as an inspired vision of the W Hotel. I made sure to include the most interesting aspects of the hotel that I could find. I wanted to convey the color in an artistic way and show parts of the hotel which I found to be the most creative of the project. From the colorful entrance into the hotel to the height of hotel… with a glimpse of the same color from a different view point. Next, rather than just showing the inside of the hotel, from outside looking in, I took a shot from the inside view looking at the entrance to convey a different perspective. I showed the first stop of checking in at the front desk because this is always the beginning of any hotel. Further, I photographed the atmosphere of the hotel by viewing it from above the highest point in the room to help visualize the space. I then focused in on the bar area because there I found the most vibrant colors glowing. I went in for a close up at the bar to show the true glow of the bottles on the shelf. Lastly, I found an ending shot of a refreshing beverage which was sitting on the vibrant counter of the bar. This last shot helped visualize the hotel in a different yet inventive way. With the drink out of focus in front, with the rest of the hotel blurred of color in the background. This shot helped convey a final image of the ultimate experience at the hotel from a unique perspective. From outside, to walking in, to checking in, to the bar, and finally a delicious drink!


I found it difficult to capture some of the pictures in an ambiguous way without just showing the basic lobby of a hotel. I used a steady flat surface for many of my shots and thought of creative perspectives throughout the shoot to make my sequence flow in order to tell a story. I wanted to make sure that I was able to tell a story of a new, funky hotel opening in the neighborhood through different visuals than those that would normally be used. Hopefully, my photographs tell the story of this new aloft hotel and the colors and creativity which exist inside of it!  If you want to find out about the rates or any extra information about this hotel, here’s the link:

Enjoy your Stay!!