Globe Hopping

Next Stop…Barcelona, Spain!
March 20, 2009, 5:42 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized




Photo by: Travelin' James. Photo of: Barcelona, Spain Gaudi Roof from

I have only been to Barcelona, Spain once… and I want to go back more than ever! It was one of the most cultured, intriguing places I have ever been to! Everything from the museums to the food to the nightlife and architecture is amazing! So, where to start?  Barcelona is famous for some of the most phenomenal architecture…the most memorable of all, is the architecture of Gaudi. A must see is Barcelona is the Sagrada Familia. As you walk around this church you will witness some of the most decorated, unique artwork and architecture. Everything in this cathedral is covered in color and detail. You really begin to appreciate the preciseness and articulation in a true artists work from the perspective of a building or church. This was unlike any experience I had ever had in my life. The Sagrada Familia was breath taking, look at the website, just to get a glimpse of what I mean: The next must in Barcelona is at the fabulous La Semproniana restaurant. This has some of the most amazing dishes, with a beautiful atmosphere and it won’t cost you a fortune! The menu is based off of whatever is in season and everything used to cook is fresh and local. The most unique thing about this restaurant is no two things init are the same! Every piece of furniture and artwork is different. Making this a cultural and different experience than anything you’ve ever done before. The food is to die for and the service is phenomenal. You will leave feeling full and spoiled! Lastly, before you leave Barcelona you must go to Le Pedrera. This is another architect museum of Gaudi’s. But it is unlike anything you have ever been to. Part of the architecture exhibit is on the open rooftop where you can walk around the roof and be surrounded by the most unusual architecture. Chimney’s and sculptures are the main pieces of architecture, which cover the rooftop. Here is the website for tour prices and to get a visual idea of what I’m talking about: is one of Gaudi’s most famous buildings and it truly is a once in a lifetime experience. Not to mention, it is located in one of the best shopping areas in Barcelona.


Photo by: nornnyweb from

Photo by: nornnyweb from


So once you’re done taking in the art of Gaudi, you can wonder outside and indulge in some fabulous Spanish fashion. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!