Globe Hopping

Soundtrack Pro Interview… Enjoy!
April 2, 2009, 2:48 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

This is an interview that I did in Soundtrack Pro. I intertwined music with the interview to make it creative. The subject is a good friend of mine, Jenna Whitecar. I decided to interview her on theatre. Specifically I interviewed her on her favorite theatrical performance, Wicked. The reason I decided to focus the interview on Broadway theatre is because I believe that the ideas behind theatre have a large impact on cultural experience.

I also think that this will be a great interview to hear whether you have seen the show or not. It could potentially turn individuals on to similar passions of theatre. I think Broadway really gives a feeling of a unique culture and one that should be discussed to find the real invaluable quality of it beneath the surface. I hope you enjoy this interview!