Globe Hopping

Next Stop…Tammie Coe Cakes!
April 20, 2009, 6:40 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This video assignment is on a great little bakery in downtown, Phoenix. It is one my personal favorites so, I thought I would share it with the world. Tammie Coe Cakes is most special because of its size. It is so small but it produces some of the best sandwiches, deserts and pastries in this world. 


Through my video, I tried to capture how great this bakery is through creative visuals and the two girls that work there. The assignment itself went very well. I really enjoyed filming there and couldn’t get enough of it. I captured so much footage from such a small spot.  The two interview subjects were Belem Martinez and Paula Gibner. Both of them really love working at Tammie Coe Cakes. Belem, has worked there for about 6 months and Paula has worked there for over 2 years. They were both great to work with and very kind. They really enjoy the close customer relationships that Tammie Coe Cakes provides. They also love the fact that they get to taste all of the great deserts that come into the store. At the store, they work closely with helping customers, making sandwiches, coffee and providing some of the best deserts in the valley.


The only issue I faced in this assignment was a slight audio problem. Due to the fact, that the bakeshop was so small and right on the road, I had a hard time capturing the sound. Both of the interview subjects were soft spoken as well. Even with the mic I used, it seemed to pick up more background sound that actual audio from the girls. However, I am still very happy with the end result. I think the background audio gives this small bakery a little noise and adds something unique. I also incorporated a voice over, with the interviews and visuals to try and get the best of everything in this video assignment.


I hope you enjoy it and it makes you want to venture out to Tammie Coe Cakes in Phoenix.