Globe Hopping

Next Stop…Virgin Gorda!
April 22, 2009, 10:45 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


Photo by: andre-pipa. Photo of: savannah-bay-virgin-gorda

Photo by: andre-pipa. Photo of: savannah-bay-virgin-gorda from



Virgin Gorda is a British Virgin Island, located in the Caribbean. It is one of the largest British Virgin Islands that exist. It is known as the best place to go for peace and quiet. It is full of coves, beautiful waters and secluded spots to relax. If you’re looking for a vacation which consists of nothing more than water, sun and beaches…this is the place for you. It is full of beautiful settings and gives travelers more privacy than they could ask for. This island also has some of the most beautiful wildlife and indigenous plants that can be seen at national parks throughout the island.


The first place you must visit when you’re in Virgin Gorda is Little Dix Bay Resort.  You can spend an afternoon here, grab a bite to eat and indulge in one of the most beautiful beaches on the entire island. This beach gives visitors the ultimate relaxation and gives them a type of tranquility that they cannot find anywhere else in the world. The water is clear, warm and gorgeous. You should also grab a bite to eat at the beach grill at little dix bay. The food is great and the restaurant is right on the water. Here is a link so you can check out the menu:


Photo by: nerdout. Photo of: the-baths-virgin-gorda

Photo by: nerdout. Photo of: the-baths-virgin-gorda from




The next stop that you must go to on Virgin Gorda is a mysterious and wonderful place called The Baths. The Baths is full of giant bolders that connect to each other down the beach that make coves that swimmers can go in and out of. It is exotic and unlike anything you have ever seen. It is one of the best places to go snorkeling in the Caribbean. Some of the most unique fish and colorful algae live under this ocean sea. You must visit this fascinating place and experience the diverse culture around you.